Words and images here are associated with mythology, psychology, culture, and related work both polished and in progress. All material not set apart by quotation marks is original work © Brandon WilliamsCraig. Pleae do not use without permission.

Friday, September 16, 2005

From my site, in development, and open to constructive input.

Brandon WilliamsCraig asserts the copy right to be involved in decision making regarding use of all original articulations on this site, it's HTML content and files, and on the following original ideas and terms articulated here, as well as at abcglobal.net, beamish.org, guardiansofpeace.org, and processarts.org. Though by contemporary law I "own" these framing ideas, this approach seems profoundly restrictive and contrary to their development. They do represent my considerable creative effort as well as that of the persons who have had influential collaborative input. I/we use this cultural fantasy of Ownership to request the building of relationship around creative collaboration. Put more simply, if you want to use these terms and ideas contact me and include me in the process by name and by making collaborative choices.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial reasons, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use." For instance, the original idea "Process Arts" suggests the following interrelated ideas:

1) Human cultures are shifting toward tending the way of interaction at least as attentively as the products that result. How is becoming consciously as important as What we make. Examples of this trend, the language for which originated in the new "Psychology" of the 20th Century, include coaching, the wide use of outside-system consultants and facilitators, mediation, therapy, etc.

2) Conscious and unarticulated methods are becoming more and more prevalent which assist in this shift and contribute to building Communities Of Understanding which are capable of dealing with the complexity of contemporary abstract systems only because many people are working together on how they work together. Examples include Processwork (Mindell), Quaker Meeting, Focusing (Gendlin), Organizational Development, Council Circles (indigenous), Non-violent Communication (Rosenberg), mythography (Doty), Group Therapy, Community Building (Peck), many forms of martial and performing arts, etc. A fine place to begin expanding this list for yourself might be here.

3) Naming and thereby qualifying these "Process Arts" by how they are practiced, rather than who founded/owns them or what they tangibly produce, is a participation in an educational intervention in culture that values this shift at least as deeply as the training in the Liberal Arts modern nations almost universally speak of promoting. Thus process-level education is expected as widely as reading, writing, arithmetic, and their various scientific products, and leaders may be expected to have at least a working familiarity with process-level skills.

When you refer to some method, approach, or application as a "Process Art," please credit me (Brandon Williamscraig) with origination of the term and provide your own clarifications as necessary. Here is one example where this has been done well.

Associative Inquiry TM;

Analogical System Knowledgebase and the ASK acronym and logo TM; Associative Inclusion Dynamics and the AID acronym and logoTM

Process Arts TM, and The Process Arts TM

Association for Cultural Movement and Education SM

Systemic Whole Awareness Training TM Guardians of Peace TM, and The Guardians of Peace TM, including the gpx designation and logos
Association for Building Community SM, ABCGlobal TM, and ABCglobal.net TM Community of Understanding SM
Aimail TM, Wholefroods TM ,
Culturopoesis TM

Mythopathic TM

Imagenerative TM

Click here for glossary of terms

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