Words and images here are associated with mythology, psychology, culture, and related work both polished and in progress. All material not set apart by quotation marks is original work © Brandon WilliamsCraig. Pleae do not use without permission.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Green Men? Research off? Copenhagen area 1st c B.C. and Inca with identical deities?

Many, many thanks to Iris Mcginnis for pointing this out.

"The Green Man in Antiquity" from p41 of Green Man: The Archetypes of our Oneness with the Earth by William Anderson with Photogrpahs by Clive Hicks. ISBN 0-00-599255-9
The text reads 27 Cernunnos as a horned deity surrounded by animals on an inner plaque of the Gundestrup Cauldron, First century B.C. Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen.

"Pachacamac: God of Earthquakes" from p89 of The Book of Gods and Goddesses: A Visual Directory of Ancient and Modern Deities by Eric Chaline. The image is a line drawing with no citation of source. ISBN 0-06-073256-3

Many many thanks to Iris McGinnis for pointing these out and providing the texts to scan.

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