Words and images here are associated with mythology, psychology, culture, and related work both polished and in progress. All material not set apart by quotation marks is original work © Brandon WilliamsCraig. Pleae do not use without permission.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Participating in organized religious practice has both potentially sublime and problematic elements. In this case, the question is basically "if we want to encourage the flourishing of the more life giving bits, how do we work with the deeply imbedded patterns of oppression that do not fall into the "spiritually useful goads" category.

As "people of the book" a certain amount of faithful response must take the form of rewrites.

On January 11, 2006 I posted here a draft rewrite for Aidan's anticipated christening scheduled for January 29th, 2006. This is the Christian sacrament of baptizing and naming an infant as it is practiced in the Methodist church. The United Methodist Hymnal provides a "Baptimal Covenant II" service for use "only when children or others unable to take the vows themselves are being baptized." After everyone involved got a chance to read it and offer suggestions, my mother sent two pages of notes, Pastor Odette of Epworth UMC made cuts and changes, and I made a final draft which follows and will be put in the bulletin this Sunday for use in worship. I feel proud of the cocreative gift we have prepared for Aidan and upstanding in response to the call to use wisely gifts that are given. I hope you will leave comments.

(Invitation to parents and godparents to come forward)

Beloved, Baptism invites us into community as a sign of God's love. We welcome new life through water, spirit, and daily means of grace. The movements of grace are free from our conditions and control. Grace frees us to be the people God created us to be.

We welcome all in this assembly, both Christian and not, who celebrate with this family. Your presence is a gift.

Who presents this child for baptism?

[Parents:] "We present Aidan Paul for baptism."

On behalf of the whole Church I ask you, as Aidan’s parents:

Do you acknowledge the personal and systemic presence of evil, injustice, and oppression, accept the freedom and power God gives to resist them in whatever form they present themselves, and repent of the unethical choices in your own lives?

(Parents) I do.

Having heard the stories of God's love living within and among us in Jesus, do you, as part of his Mysterious Body, reaffirm your commitment to follow the example of Christ, trusting in grace, and in union with Christ calling the whole Church to be opened to people of all ages, nations, genders and races?

(Parents) I do.

(To Parents and Godparents)

Will you nurture one another and Aidan in loving community, so that by your teaching and example he may be guided to accept the best of the Christian tradition for himself, and help others build a life of grace, love, and faith?

(those so moved respond aloud) I do.

Let the people say: Amen.


Loving God, soul’s Mother, spirit’s Father,

Generations of witnesses sing of your liberating love. Through chaos and nothingness you sweep across dark waters bringing forth light. In the days of Noah, through the water you saved those on the ark. After the flood you set in the sky the promise of the rainbow. When you heard the cry of Israel enslaved in Egypt you led them through the River to freedom.

O, sing, all the earth! Speak and tell of God's mercy.

In the fullness of time you sent Jesus, nurtured in the water of the Womb. He was baptized by John and anointed by your Spirit. Jesus called and calls women and men as his disciples to share in baptism, death, and resurrection, to live as his body, and to carry holy gifts of love and mercy to the world.

Declare to the nations the glory among all the people.

Pour out your Holy Spirit to bless this gift of water. Bless he who receives it and clothe him in all that is good, so that all his dyings and risings may reflect the image of Christ.

All praise to you, beloved Creator, through your Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Your steadfast love endures forever. Amen.

Aidan Paul, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit work within you, that being born through womb, water, and Spirit you may be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.


Now it is our joy to welcome Aidan Paul, our new little brother in Christ.

Through baptism you are embraced by the Holy Spirit, welcomed into God's new creation, and called to share in Christ's great celebration of life. We are many and we are one in Christ Jesus. With shouts of joy and songs of thanksgiving we welcome you as a member of the family of Christ. AMEN.

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