Words and images here are associated with mythology, psychology, culture, and related work both polished and in progress. All material not set apart by quotation marks is original work © Brandon WilliamsCraig. Pleae do not use without permission.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Officer K

Imagine power and identity inhabiting spiral patterns. When a nameable role inhabits a person (I am a Cop), Officer K becomes fixated in the center of an orbital identity complex. Around her, influenced by shared gravitational fields in related circles, orbit the Activist, the Criminal, the Citizen, the Suspect, the Chief, etc. She is supported by the known and powerful aspects of her role but can also be undermined, manipulated, and drained of energy (burned out) in predictable ways using those same familiar pathways.

Part of training "law enforcement" might then necessarily involve challenging Officer K not to fixate but at least be able to layer her inhabiting of her role, first making roles available that are related by category. She is then also a peace officer, law enforcer, professional partner of other legal officers, beat walker, armed guardian of order, public protector, criminal investigator, first responder and apprehender, crime preventer, traffic regulator, and public records maintener. Beyond this she is a citizen, mother, daughter, etc.

Each of these layers gives her flexibility and options into which she may shift to do her job more effectively and put it aside as much as is possible at the end of the day.

The visual metaphor might be that, staying within the pull of the core power identity (Cop), it is useful to distance one's Self from the Role sufficiently to be able to grab the outer orbit of another related Role and swing into its gravity as necessary for effective use of options, emotional and physical survival, and general flourishing in a world where many ways of being are required for peace to be truly possible.

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