Words and images here are associated with mythology, psychology, culture, and related work both polished and in progress. All material not set apart by quotation marks is original work © Brandon WilliamsCraig. Pleae do not use without permission.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Birth of a Nation

If culture is made - an artifact at some level - what parts does cinema play?

"Classic silent film, directed by D. W. Griffith in 1915. This is probably the first film constructed with the classic hollywood narrative style, that is attributed to Griffith. "Two brothers, Phil and Ted Stoneman, visit their friends in Piedmont, South Carolina: the family Cameron. This friendship is affected by the Civil War, as the Stonemans and the Camerons must join up opposite armies. The consequences of the War in their lives are shown in connection to major historical events, like the development of the Civil War itself, Lincoln's assassination, and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan."

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